Local 100A

We are a union made up of and working for family child care providers from across New York State, organized for power to take on challenges facing us and the children and families we serve.

The Power of Union Membership

We are Voice of Organized Independent Childcare Educators (CSEA/VOICE) Local 100A of the CSEA labor union, bringing together more than 10,000 home-based licensed, registered and legally exempt child care providers in 57 counties across New York (outside NYC). By supporting quality, affordable early learning and care in New York and greater investment in our children, our work and our communities, we work to keep providers supported, parents earning and children learning. 

We are building power.

Peace of Mind for You and Your Business

Armett Barnes


“There is power in numbers and CSEA/VOICE membership gives providers power we never had before. As Chair of the Monroe County DSS Committee for our union, I am honored to be a part of such a supportive team. I’m able to advocate for myself and providers on an official level and be heard. I’m sitting at the table giving input to DSS and they’re taking notes. We are able to make sensible, significant improvements like receiving childcare payments earlier which has been helping providers tremendously.”

Monroe Chapter Member

Kelly DeGrace 


“Benefits like the $3000 annual healthcare reimbursement have been such a blessing.  Also, multiple $500 CSEA Childcare Quality Grants every year is so very exciting and helps me continue to add quality new items to my daycare.  NO COST Vison and Dental coverage is amazing. NO COST telehealth medical coverage helps me save money because there is no co-pay for that.  NO COST CPR/First Aid for me and all my staff, NO COST OCFS approved Trainings, and Conferences– with all this taken care of, I have been able to focus on what I do best— providing the utmost quality early learning and care for the children and families in my program.”

Herkimer-Oneida-Madison Chapter Member


Earn a CDA, OCFS training hours, in-person or blended CPR/First Aid, Aspire approved Professional Development taught by top industry experts all at no cost, plus college tuition assistance and more.


We advocate at every level of government to make sure reimbursement rates are fair, subsidy programs work for families and our child care programs are protected. Having a statewide organization of members  gives us the power to solve local issues as they arise.

Strengthening our union.

Union Benefits

Deeply discounted liability and homeowners insurance rates for Family Child Care Providers from Pearl Insurance, a $10,000 accidental death benefit, vision and dental coverage for the whole family, telemedicine and much more!


 Our team of Officers, Chapter Representatives and staff have decades of experience in providing quality family child care and providing support to members for issues with registration and licensing, inspections and fair hearings; CPS cases; the Child Care Time and Attendance System; fraud investigations; CACFP, business support and more. What can we do to help?

Solving the issues we face.

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